Issue #111  (Notifications Settings)06/05/24

The Morning Paper for Hacker News Readers

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Here are a couple of reminders about notifications in VS Code. Firstly, you can view recent notifications by clicking the little bell icon in the bottom-right corner of the VS Code window.
Opening Notifications in VS Code

You'll see a little popup that provides more options. You can "Clear All Notifications", or click the "Configure Do Not Disturb..." button, which is the bell icon with a line through it.
Configuring Do Not Disturb in VS Code

When you click the bell icon with the line through it, you'll see options to enable/disable Do Not Disturb Mode and you can select which specific notifications you want to enable or disable. My setup has five options I can disable, but you might have others depending on your installed extensions.

Lastly, if you search for "notifications" in your settings, you'll see a few things you can customize.
Silent Notifications in Zen Mode in VS Code

This includes the ability to control notifications while in Zen Mode, so you can limit your Zen Mode notifications to error notifications only.
As you might know, I write three different tech newsletters, among other projects. I'm a one-man operation and it's getting harder to find viable advertising to keep things going.

If you'd like to help support me, please check out my GitHub Sponsors page or make a one-time donation via PayPal.

$1 per month from about 10% of my readers is basically all I need!

Now on to this week's hand-picked links!

VS Code Tools

Million Lint — A VS Code extension that helps identify, explain, and fix React performance issues allowing you to write React code that's optimized for speed (see articles section below for more).

Kill Process — A VS Code extension that enables you to quickly kill a process from the Command Palette in VS Code.

The Complete JavaScript Course 2024 — An up-to-date course consisting of 68+ hours of HD video, looking at both modern and classic JavaScript features, while walking you through how to build 6 beautiful real-world projects.   Sponsor 

Code Sensei — An AI-powered VS Code extension that annotates your code line by line in natural language.

VS Code Theme of the Week

Pac-Man Theme — Here's one for the 80s retro heads, a single dark theme patterned off the classic video game of the same name.

Pac-Man Theme for VS Code

The syntax highlighting is pretty nice but you might not prefer the color choices for the UI elements. For example, hovering the mouse over the Activity Bar icons turns them white on a near-white background. Aside from that, it's a decent theme.

VS Code Articles

Million Lint is in Public Beta — Blog post with further details on the extension mentioned above, showing how this improves on existing React developer tools.

Installing VS Code on Fedora — If you happen to want step by step instructions for installing VS Code on the Fedora Linux distribution.

The Morning Paper for Tech — Want a byte-sized version of Hacker News that takes just a few minutes to read? Try TLDR's free daily newsletter. It covers the most interesting tech, startup, and programming stories in just 5 minutes. No sports and no politics.  Sponsor 

Token to Tooling: Generating VS Code Snippets from Design Tokens — How to transform design tokens into useful VS Code snippets for faster, error-free coding.

Best of the Rest

GitHub Copilot Workspace: Welcome to the Copilot-native Developer Environment — The latest on GitHub Copilot, allowing developers to "go from idea, to code, to software all in natural language." — A platform to create, code, host, and deploy stunning and fast static websites or use it as your editor for any language.

Pop Quiz: What’s the Body’s Most Abundant Protein? — The answer: Collagen. NativePath's Certified Grass-Fed Collagen Powder is made from grass-fed, pasture-raised cows and contains 18 grams of protein per suggested serving. Start incorporating it daily to support skin elasticity, joint health, bone strength, and muscle growth and maintenance.  Sponsor 

vim-publish-helper — A Vim plugin that makes the Vim syntax highlighting engine available in Pandoc.


If you have any link suggestions, including a tool, article, or other resource related to VS Code or another IDE, you can hit reply, send it via DM on X, or via chat on Bluesky.

That's it for this issue.

Happy VS Coding!
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