Issue #56 (Customize Layout Button)05/17/23
Here's a really quick tip on fiddling with your layout in VS Code. An easy way to customize the layout in VS Code is using the Customize Layout button found in the top right area, as shown in the screenshot below.
When you click this button, it will open an overlay dialog with a list of options to customize your layout.
You can instantly show or hide just about any of the visible parts of VS Code layout including taskbar, primary sidebar, secondary sidebar, the activity bar (normally on the left), and more.
You can also quickly access settings for the position of the primary sidebar, panel alignment, and choose from one of the three modes (Full Screen, Zen, or Centered Layout).
Note that you can
drag different panels into other areas. For example you can drag different parts of the Explorer pane into the secondary sidebar, if you want to separate these into a different area. In the image above, I've dragged my NPM Scripts and Timeline into the Secondary Sidebar (which I enabled using the Customize Layout dialog).
As you can see, it's pretty easy to customize your layout without having to go into your UI or JSON settings.
Now on to this week's hand-picked links!