Issue #60 (Run & Debug)06/14/23
As I've previously discussed, any theme in VS Code can be customized to your liking. So you might like a theme but maybe you prefer one or two specific details in the color scheme to be changed.
If you search for "color customization" or similar in your settings UI, you'll get a few options that you can customize directly in your JSON settings file.
The cool thing about this is that you can use a specific syntax to apply the same customizations to multiple themes at once. This way you don't have to repeat the same customizations in your JSON file.
Here's an example:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"[Sunburst][Monokai*]": {
"activityBar.background": "#707070"
Normally when making such a customization, the syntax includes a single theme in square brackets. A few years ago, however, VS Code added the ability to apply a single customization to multiple themes. So the Activity Bar customization shown above will apply to my Sunburst theme and Monokai.
In addition, notice I'm using an asterisk character at the end of the second theme name. The asterisk, or wildcard character, can be used at the start or end of a theme name to cover multiple themes that use the same word. In this case I might have multiple themes that are variations of 'Monokai', so the wildcard character allows me to target all of them.
Now on to this week's hand-picked links!
VS Code Tools
Sourcegraph — An AI platform, that includes an AI assistant called Cody AI, that makes it easy to read, write, and fix code, with integration in VS Code.
Gremlins Tracker — A VS Code extension that reveals characters that can be harmful (e.g. zero-width spaces) because they are invisible or resemble legitimate ones.
markdown-table-rainbow — A VS Code extension that colorizes table columns in Markdown for clarity.
Bytes: Your Favourite JavaScript Newsletter — I subscribe to a lot of newsletters, but this is definitely one I look forward to. Entertaining with lots of cool and useful JavaScript coding tidbits, news, and tools. Sponsor
Trailing Spaces — A VS Code extension that highlights trailing spaces so you can delete them. Though it should be noted that VS Code does have a built-in setting for this (albeit maybe with not as many options).
VS Code Theme of the Week
Serendipity — I've actually linked to this one before when I first started this newsletter, but I thought it was worth including as the theme of the week. It's a theme with an elegant, minimal, and clean color palette "to give your eyes rest on different interfaces".

Includes three different versions (Midnight, a light theme called Morning, and Sunset) along with a unique set of icons for your files/folders view.
VS Code Articles & Videos
Best of the Rest
Logicboard — A real-time, in-browser collaborative code editor with compiler. Supports 30+ languages, REPL shell, built-in video calling, and chat.
Digma — A runtime linter that lets developers quickly identify risky code, potential errors and bottlenecks in complex codebases.
The Best Alternatives to GitHub Copilot in 2023 — Includes a fairly in-depth discussion of six different tools.
If you have any link suggestions, including a tool, article, or other resources related to VS Code or another IDE, send it via DM on X: @LouisLazaris or just hit reply on this email.
That's it for this issue.
Happy VS Coding!