Issue #89  (Terminal Contrast Ratio)01/03/24

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If you're doing stuff in the terminal like working with applications that use various colors in the terminal, you'll probably want to ensure that any text displayed is shown at a strong contrast ratio in relation to the background of the terminal.

While terminal output can vary the text color, the application isn't going to do anything about the background, which could cause accessibility problems. Fortunately some time ago VS Code added a setting called Minimum Contrast Ratio for the Integrated Terminal.
Setting Minimum Contrast Ratio in the Terminal in VS Code

The default setting is a value of "4.5", which ensures compliance with WCAG AA. You can also choose to do nothing (a value of "1"), you can have enhanced compliance with WCAG AAA (value of "7") or go fully accessible with black on white or white on black (value of "21").
1 vs 21 Contrast Ratio in the Terminal in VS Code

In the two screenshots above, you can see the difference between a setting of "1" (no changes to the contrast) and "21" (white/black). You can especially see the difference with the background color present behind the "History restored" text.

Before getting to this week's links, you might notice a few tweaks to the design of this newsletter (e.g. wider layout, larger fonts). If you see any problems in the layout, feel free to hit reply and let me know what mail client your using!

Now on to this week's hand-picked links!

VS Code Tools

Mark Files — A VS Code extension that enables you to "mark" files in the file explorer by adding an icon or changing the file name color.

Prettify TypeScript — VS Code extension that provides hover information for TypeScript types, classes, interfaces, and more, formatted in a more readable way.

Techpresso — Receive a daily summary of the most important AI and Tech news, carefully selected from 60+ media outlets. Join 30,000+ professionals from OpenAI, Meta, Google, Microsoft, Hugging Face, JP Morgan, and more.  Sponsor 

JustCode — An AI-powered VSCode code commenting solution, with support for generating JSDoc-compatible comments, to help you write efficient and accurate code documentation.

VS Code Theme of the Week

Light Pink Theme — This is primarily a light theme with pink UI shades but it includes both a dark and light version. If you like pink and light themes, you'll want to consider the light version. But I think the "Dark Pink" version of the theme is quite nice (shown below).

Dark Pink Theme for VS Code

You can click through to the plugin page to see the light theme's screenshot. I'm not entirely sure why the plugin page doesn't include a screenshot for the dark version because I think it's a better than average dark theme.

VS Code Articles & Videos

Debug a React app with Visual Studio Code — A look at VS Code's integrated debugger and using launch.json, specifically for React apps. Also includes an accompanying 7-minute YouTube video on the same subject.

Announcing C# Dev Kit and Linux Android Debugging Support for Uno Platform VS Code Extension — Details on the latest updates on using the VS Code extension for Uno, the platform for building .NET apps.

JavaScript & DOM Tips, Tricks, and Techniques (Volumes 1 – 4) — A bundle of my four e-books that feature more than 250 lesser-known JavaScript and DOM scripting tips, with hundreds of live CodePen demos.  Sponsor 

🎥 Using the JavaScript Debug Terminal to Debug Your Apps — Still on the subject of debugging, this is a quick video tip that shows how to debug in VS Code without creating a Launch configuration or changing package.json.

Best of the Rest

neotab.nvim — A simple yet convenient Neovim plugin for tabbing in and out of brackets, parentheses, quotes, and more.

Text Editor Data Structures: Rethinking Undo — Undo and redo have been a staple operation of text editors as long as any of us can remember. Cameron DaCamara looks at how we might be able to innovate in this area.

Rider —  A cross-platform JetBrains IDE based on the IntelliJ platform, for building apps using .NET.


If you have any link suggestions, including a tool, article, or other resource related to VS Code or another IDE, you can hit reply, send it via DM on X, or via chat on Bluesky.

That's it for this issue.

Happy VS Coding!
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