Issue #96  (Validating Markdown Links)02/21/24

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If you do a lot of Markdown editing in VS Code, you'll want to take a look at the different settings available for validating links in your Markdown documents. For example, links to images, links to fragments in the current file, and even reference links (i.e. links to footnotes). The only thing that's not validated is external URLs

Link validation is off by default but you can enable it using the setting called markdown.validate.enabled. Set this to "true", then you can take advantage of the different validation options.
Validating Markdown Links in VS Code

If you search for markdown.validate in your settings, you'll get about 7 other options in addition to the one above. For example, as mentioned, you can enable validation on fileLinks and fragmentLinks.

With these settings enabled, you'll see broken file and fragment references indicated in the Markdown document. When you set these, you can choose to show the broken references as "warning" or "error". There's also an option to "ignore" if you prefer to only validate certain categories of references and not others.
Viewing a Markdown link warning in VS Code

The above screenshot is showing a local file reference displayed as a warning. You'll get a similar warning when enabling fragment references (e.g. an in-page link to #header). The other two types of links you can validate are:
  • fileLinks.markdownFragmentLinks – Lets you enable validation of links to headers in other local Markdown files.
  • referenceLinks – Enable validation of reference links (i.e. footnotes), which are in the form of [link][ref].
And finally, you can use the markdown.validate.ignoredLinks setting to define a list of link globs that VS Code won't validate.
Configuring a broken links ignore list in VS Code

So be sure to check out those settings if you do a lot of Markdown editing and don't want to rely on a live preview of the document, or manual testing, to indicate where any broken references are.

Now on to this week's hand-picked links!

VS Code Tools

WakaTime — Most of you will be familiar with this one, but if you're not, this is the official VS Code extension for WakaTime, the popular time-tracking tool for developers.

Window Colors — A VS Code extension that gives each new VS Code window a unique color based on a hash of the root directory name when it's opened.

Better Team, Tools & Outcomes — Breakthrough three common barriers with AE Studio: Skill gaps, time constraints, and outdated tools. Our expert team and cutting-edge tools ensure project completion without sacrificing quality. Let's collaborate.  Sponsor 

Code Opener — A Python-based tool that syncs your VS Code projects to the Start Menu on Windows 10/11, so you can do a Start Menu search and open the project directly rather than through VS Code's file menu.

VS Code Theme of the Week

Learn with Sumit — This is a theme pack from Sumit Saha, who runs a learning platform for programmers. It includes 11 different dark themes that are all quite nice, including a few versions based on the popular Dracula theme.

Learn with Sumit Theme for VS Code

While the theme pack is available on the Marketplace and it has been updated as recently as 2023, the GitHub repository for the theme pack seems to have been taken down. Nonetheless, you can still install it and choose from a variety of themes with well-chosen colors (including the primary theme, pictured above).

VS Code Articles & Videos

A Decent VS Code + Ruby on Rails Setup — If this is your current tech stack, this article also usefully includes a link to a VS Code extension pack that includes all those mentioned in the post.

Introduction to Visual Studio Code GitHub Copilot Using GitHub Education — After the somewhat unnecessary intro, this post describes steps to take to apply for student benefits using your GitHub account (of course, you have to verify that you're currently a student).

📺 Connect to a MySQL Database and Run SQL Queries Using VS Code & the MySQL Extension — From 2022, you might find this YouTube video useful if you want to start using MySQL in VS Code.

Best of the Rest

Codebay — A coding platform, especially for beginners, that has engaging interactive lessons and your personal AI tutor. Currently seems to only include Python lessons.

The IDEs We Had 30 Years Ago... And We Lost — A bit of a deep dive into the history of text editors and how they compare to today's solutions.

The Morning Paper for Tech — Want a byte-sized version of Hacker News that takes just a few minutes to read? Try TLDR's free daily newsletter. It covers the most interesting tech, startup, and programming stories in just 5 minutes. No sports and no politics.   Sponsor 

CuteVim — A configuration file that provides a set of minimal and sensible (but opinionated) defaults for Vim.


If you have any link suggestions, including a tool, article, or other resource related to VS Code or another IDE, you can hit reply, send it via DM on X, or via chat on Bluesky.

That's it for this issue.

Happy VS Coding!
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