Issue #97 (Multi-panel Resizing)02/28/24
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Here's the simplest of VS Code tips that may have gone under your radar when it was added to VS Code a little over a year ago.
As you probably already know, any panel or view in VS Code can be resized by simply hovering your mouse over an area that borders two panels or sections. Your operating system will display the default 'resize' cursor and you can size the two panels simultaneously. VS Code also lights up the border to indicate that resizing is possible.
This typical two-panel resizing is demonstrated in the screenshot above on my Windows machine. Pretty straightforward and something that's available in just about any app that has panels, panes, or columns.
But early last year, the VS Code team added the ability to multi-resize from a corner section, allowing you essentially to resize three panels simultaneously.
Again, the above screenshot is from Windows. In this case VS Code highlights the vertical and horizontal borders to indicate the multi-resize action.
And one final thing about resizing open editors: Let's say you're viewing multiple editors in a split view in the same window. If you resize the entire workspace, naturally the two editor windows will resize to be roughly the same percentage width. But if you minimize the width of one of them then resize the workspace, VS Code will now maintain the size of that smallest editor, almost like a 3-column responsive view. You'll have to fiddle with it to see what I mean, but it's only something you'll notice if you are accustomed to viewing multiple editors in a split view.
Now on to this week's hand-picked links!
VS Code Tools
Markdown PDF — A VS Code extension that converts markdown files to PDF, HTML, PNG, or JPEG files.
Great Icons — An extension that includes 200+ icons to replace the default look of files in VS Code's file explorer view.
The Future of Work Management — Your team's secret sauce to success is here. From concept to completion with helps you manage, automate, and streamline your projects effortlessly. It’s time to transform your work life. Start your free trial today. Sponsor
DevTrackr — A VS Code extension to help you document your work, with GitHub integration, so you can track progress and use the info for future job searches.
VS Code Theme of the Week
Brackets Light Pro — Here's a light theme for a change. Based on the name, I'm assuming this is a port of a popular light theme from the Brackets code editor (originally by Adobe, but discontinued and has since become a community fork).

There are two versions of the theme, one is Brackets Light Pro and the other is Brackets Light Pro Bold (pictured above).
VS Code Articles & Videos
Neovim Changed My Perspective — Not directly about VS Code, and there's a bit of an introduction to the main point here, but this is one developer's thoughts after switching from VS Code to Neovim.
VS Code Snippets for NgRx — Might be helpful if you're working with Angular along with NgRx, the Angular reactive state management solution.
VS Code + WSL Makes Windows Awesome for Web Development — Some thoughts from the creator of Ruby on Rails; WSL is Windows Subsystem for Linux and, according to the author, this combo may put Windows ahead of Mac for developers.
Best of the Rest
CodeEdit — An exciting new code editor written entirely and unapologetically for macOS, to develop any project using any language.
ViHN — A Chrome or Firefox extension that adds vi-style key bindings for browsing Hacker News.
The Morning Paper for Tech — Want a byte-sized version of Hacker News that takes just a few minutes to read? Try TLDR's free daily newsletter. It covers the most interesting tech, startup, and programming stories in just 5 minutes. No sports and no politics. Sponsor
HTMX Playground — A simple code sandbox for playing around with HTMX (the popular HTML extension), with no setup needed.
If you have any link suggestions, including a tool, article, or other resource related to VS Code or another IDE, you can hit reply, send it via DM on X, or via chat on Bluesky.
That's it for this issue.
Happy VS Coding!